From on High

I retort. You decide.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Security or Stability?

Tom Freidman make an excellent point about Europe and China's stance via North Korea and Iran:

"At the end of the day, the Chinese would rather live with a nuclear North Korea than risk a collapsed nonnuclear North Korea, and the Europeans would rather live with a nuclear Iran - that Europe can make all kinds of money off of - rather than risk losing Iran's business to prevent it from going nuclear. The Chinese and the Europeans each assume that in the end, the U.S. will deter both the North Koreans and the Iranians anyway, so why worry...

Are the Europeans and Chinese behaving cynically? Of course, these are the very countries constantly complaining about U.S. "hegemony," and calling for a "multipolar world." Yet the only thing they are really interested in being a pole for is to oppose the U.S. - not to actually do something hard themselves to stabilize the global system.

The prevailing assumption in Washington is that if something really big is going wrong - like North Korea and Iran going nuclear - it must be because America messed up. Yes, the Bush nonproliferation policy has been pretty dysfunctional, but the real problem is that those parties with the leverage to make a diplomatic difference refuse to use it."

I can just hear Bush agreeing, "That's right, Tom. I keep tellin' em. Y'all are headin us for another Yalta."


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