From on High

I retort. You decide.

Saturday, April 30, 2005

I've been tagged!

So I've been tagged in a game of Ceasar's Bath (ie, the game I "invented" the other day only to find out it was already out there). The question posed to me by Mansfield Fox is to name five things that people in my circle of friends are crazy about but that I don't understand the fuss over. Here they are:

1. Sports News/Commentary- I think sports themselves are worthwile and a lot of fun. While I'm not a diehard fan for any team, I can certainly appreciate the desire to cheer for a bunch of guys who happen to be from/are paid by your city as they move a ball or puck against a bunch of guys who happen to be from /are paid by another city. My patience wears thin, however, when I see the ridiculous amounts of TV and radio air-time that is spent analyzing and talking about guys who do this. Particularly loathesome are press conferences given by coaches and players who talk about how they did /didn't "give 110%" and how they did/did not match up to the other side's offensive/defensive capabilites. Since the Gladiators, people have had had some carnal need to see other people engage in controlled violence in a stadium setting. It's fun, I'll admit, and I'm all for it. Just post the scores and spare me the analysis.

2. Watching Poker on TV- I'm actually doing it right now. My roommates do it for at least a few hours a day. Yet still, I can't get into it. Like Mansfield Fox, Death, and almost all of my friends, I love to play, but seeing other people play just doesn't do it for me. Reminds me of watching someone do a coin toss...over, and over, and over.

3. Pizza Hut and Subway - Pizz hut is simply not pizza. It's greasy, manufactured-tasting and makes me feel full and slightly nauseous after half a slice. Subway, in theory, doesn't taste bad, but it's something about it being a chain that turns me off. Perhaps it strikes me as unstanitary, but I'm not sure. If I want a sub sandwich, I'd much rather go to a real deli.

4. U2: I am constantly suprised at how uncommon my aversion to this band is. For a while, I thought U2 was like Dave Matthews and that while a significant portion of people liked it, there was also a sizable group of people who couldn't stand it. Then, I started asking my friends and I could find not a single non-U2 fan. Just last week, I finally found one. So at least I'm not totally alone when I say I find their airy, slightly angsty and depresing but still upbeat songs ANNOYING.

5. Tequila - I'll second Angus on this one. Had a bad experience with it in college, and can't stand the smell/taste of it ever since.


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