From on High

I retort. You decide.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Let's have a diablog

So my friend and blogger Angus just posed a question to me; namely, does law school make people socially inept or does it simply attract people who are already social misfits? As I see it, this is what you might call a chicken or the egghead argument. I guess I'm not really quite sure whether most of the people I know come here full-fledged social butterflies only to regress into miserable cocooned bookworms, or if the apple of knowledge simply attracts worms to begin with (how's that for a string of metaphors).

What was really interesting to me, however, was not what my friend asked me but how he asked it. He did so by posing the question on his blog and then following it with one of my pseudonyms and a question mark both hyperlinked to my blog. It got me thinking about what might be a new and interesting form of communication in the blogosphere that I'm going to call "a dia-blog". A diablog would consist of one person posing a question to a fellow blogger on a particular issue and then summoning a response by linking to his or her blog. The second blogger would then answer the question via a post and request the answer of yet another blogger. The whole thing would work kind of like a chain letter, allowing web surfers who visit a "link in the chain" of the diablog to click their way from one opinion to the next. They could also traceback to previous posts in the chain. Ideally, this could go on for quite a long time, incorporating the views of bloggers from a broad array of perspectives.

So, in the spirit of my idea, I would like to start the world wide web's first diablog. Because I've devoted my post to this topic, I'm going to (lamely) pass on actually answering the question and punt it to my friend Death in the Afternoon (I know, Angus already linked to her). Death will then (hopefully) post some kind of response and summon the thoughts of another blogger. Who knows where this chain of ideas will lead us. So to repeat, the question for discussion is:

Does law school make us socially inept, or are we just born that way??

**And please, somebody tell me if this diablog concept is as old as canned beer (or if it's just stupid). I'm not exactly on the cutting edge of bloggery.


Blogger Angus Dwyer said...

There's a game called "Caesar's bath" that works like that; you're not supposed to play unless you're "tagged" by someone else who's playing. (If I get tagged, I'll be sure to hit you.)

7:10 PM  

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