From on High

I retort. You decide.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Res Ipsa Loquitor ("It Speaks for Itself")

In pursuance of objective number 2 of my mission statement, I will occassionally post absurd and otherwise funny things uttered by the illustrious students and learned pedagogues here at the Yale Law School. Names will be omitted to protect the innocent. Here are two recent examples:

First, in a class discussing a statute known as FACA (pronounced Fah-ka) and its relevance to a recent Supreme Court case, the Professor asked:
"What in the FACA led the district court to hold that the provisions of the statute applied?"

Second, a particularly bold student recently raised his hand after listening to a professor's explanation of a matter of legal doctrine and said: "Your logic is completely indeterminate and largely irrelevant."

What the FACA indeed.


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